Welcome..! This is the guide book of fungolf.fun Apps
Create or Registring an Account
In order to use the application you must have an account registered with fungolf.fun.
Account registration can be done from Fungolf.fun Apps or from the fungolf.fun website, choose one::
Account registration via application: 01) Download the fungolf.fun application from the playstore 02) Install the fungolf.fun application and after installation
you may find image bellow:
If you see the above dialog, it means you are not logged in. 03) Ignore the dialog above with "OK" button, then click on the menu "Account & Your Pairing", then you will see the following screen Just press "OK" button. 04) Complete all data correctly, because the system will use this information as a communication channel regarding your self-validation: then press Save button, you will get bellow notification: then go to Activate an Account
Account registration via website: 01) Open your browser and go to http://fungolf.fun 02) Click "Create an Account" Button
03) Complete the following data according to your personal data. Make sure your email address is correct. then press Save button 04) You will get activation notification then go to Activate an Account
Activate an Account
After creating an account, you must activate the account you just created. If the account is not active, the account cannot be used on a mobile device.
You will find an email with a display similar to the following image (If it's not in the inbox, try looking in the junk folder):
Open the email, and click the "Activate my Account" link: if your account activation is success, you will see notification as bellow:
After successfully activating your account, you will get IDR 250,000 (in the form of a voucher) for free from Fungolf as a gift for all new accounts
See Your Account Balance
The balance is a voucher that can be used to buy a blank scorecard to be used in your golf game. If your voucher balance is not enough to buy 1 scorecard, then your application cannot be used as a scorecard until you buy a voucher.
To see how much your voucher balance is, click the main menu, and select "Buy Scorecards"
You also can find balance info on the "Play Game" menu"
Reset Password
Reset Password from Apps
Tab the "You & Your Pairing" menu, then click "Reset Password"
Fill all fields as required
Just input your pair data with the same Initial, the old data will be replaced
Click "Save" button
Delete Paring
See the pairing list, and click the row of the data you want to be removed
Click "Ok" button
*Note: At some point, if you log in with another device, the pairing list will automatically downloaded to your new device.
Input Handicap
You can only input of your handicap or your pairing's handicap onces as initial handicap when you registring your pairing, the system will handle the rest.
How system update your handicap?
System will update your handicap and your paring's handicap periodically. You may see updated handicap at the pairing list table. But first of all, to make sure your handicap and your pairing's handicap are correct,
system needs more than 5 of your scorecards
System will also update your handicap and your paring's handicap even though your scorecards less than 5, but calculation result will be far from your real handicap.
The Handicap calculation formula used by the system is in accordance with the Equitable Stroke Control- USGA Handicap System (World Handicap System), which is: (AGS – Course Rating) x 113 / Slope Rating
*Note: AGS= Average Gross Score
Create Fun Game Rules
In the game of golf, many game models are played to make the game more interesting and exciting. In this application, not all models can be accommodated due to the large variety of game models. However, there are quite a number of game models that can be accommodated. Besides all that, games that uphold honesty and sportsmanship are the main thing
Create Game Rule
This ditital scorecard can not be played without Game Rule
To create Game Rule, go to "Rule Setup" Menu
Click "New Rule"
Here are explanations of each Field:
"Rule Name :" You can decide freely
"Rule Type :" "*Face to Face" : meaning in hole by hole games, except for per 3 & 9 hole games, you can determine it single winner or face to face" "*Single Winner" : meaning in hole by hole games, per 3 & 9 hole games are single winner" "*Handicap" : is base on Nett stroke (using handicap) difference to each player per 18 holes, the difference will be multiplied to value per point. This game type no need for voor input, eEven if you input the voor, system will ignore it" "*Stroke Play (face to Face) Korean Style" : is base on stroke difference played on each hole. The difference with `Handicap Play` rule is that in `Stroke Play` rule there is a bonus for a score better than par, while in `Stroke Play` rule it only calculates the difference of total nett score per player, regardless of the hole per hole score. If you use this Rule, don't forget to input voor for each 9 holes game" "*Capping F2F" : each player provides a certain amount of capital at the beginning (before the game starts), then each player will take his share based on the points earned. how to get points is face to face but only 'plus' points are counted." "*Capping SW" : each player provides a certain amount of capital at the beginning (before the game starts), then each player will take his share based on the points earned. how to get points is single winner but only 'plus' points are counted."
:is the number of points per hole that must be paid (by the loser) to winners, valid for each hole on the first 3 holes of 9 holes
:is the number of points per hole that must be paid (by the loser) to winners, valid for each hole on the second 3 holes of 9 holes
:is the number of points per hole that must be paid (by the loser) to winners, valid for each hole on the third 3 holes of 9 holes
so you can make a different formula every 3 holes
: is the amount in the form of money, in terms of currency, determined by each pairing. every point lost / gained will be multiplied by the "Amount"
: You can set maximum (limit) stroke per hole that can be declared a winner (hole winner), whether the winner is only par or better, or boogie or better etc, or even any score
A score better than par can be given a different point than a score worse than birdie.
The minimum number of points for each of the scores above (Albatros, Eagle, Birdie) is 1 point (which means that the points earned per hole are multiplied by 1). Example: if "Birdie multiply by: 3", then every player who scores a birdie will get as many points as: 1 x 3 x "number of players who lose".
Games per 3 holes and per 9 holes are arranged in this segment, the number of points can be adjusted according to the pairing agreement. There is also an option if the determination of the winner of a 3 hole or 9 hole game is limited to a certain maximum stroke
Even though the type of hole by hole play is face to face, the game per 3 holes and 9 holes can be set differently from hole by hole games. However, if the hole by hole game is a single winner, games per 3 holes and 9 holes can only be set as Single Winner ".
Besides the main games, usualy hole by hole, 3 holes and 9 holes, this application provides an option to choose additional games that are commonly played on golf courses.
The number of points earned in this extra game DOES NOT replace the hole-by-hole points, but ADD the points earned (extra points)".
"Single winner challenge", is when the game is face-to-face and one player got better score than others, than the winner also get additional point on that hole as many as :point per hole "Single Winner" multiplier.
The rules that you create on your handset will also be saved (backup) on fungolf.fun web. This is to anticipate if the user changes the handset, so you can donload the old Rules to your new handsets.
Activate Rule
If you have created a rule, then you have to activate it first before using it.
To activate it, click on the following screen:
Then click the checkbox according to the rule you want to activate
For an active Rule, the name of the Rule will be shown in the display below
Edit Rule
You can modify or duplicate via the Edit method
To edit, click once on the Rule name field
You will be presented with a display like the input of a new rule
Dont forget to Click "Save" button, and then Activate edited Rule.
Delete Rule
To edit, click once on the Rule name field
Rule Examples
Example 1:Face to Face 1 2 3
Game description:
1. Points in this game are 1,2,3. (means: hole is 1 point, 3holes 2 points and 9holes 3 points)
2. Each point represent IDR 200,000
3. No score limitation for hole, 3 holes and 9 holes game
4. 3 holes and 9 holes games are "Single Winner"
5. Birdie multiply by 2
6. Eagle multiply by 5.
7. Hole in One myltiply by 10.
8. Albatros multiply by 20
9. Besides the main rules above, it is determined by the player that there are additional rules as follows: Eagle Challenge additional 4 points, Birdie Challenge additional 2 points, On-Par additional 1 points
Example 2:Single Winner 1 2 3
Game description:
1. Points in this game are 1,2,3. (means: hole is 1 point, 3holes 2 points and 9holes 3 points)
2. Each point represent IDR 100,000
3. Score limitation for hole game is PAR or better
4. Total over per 3 holes is 1
5. Total over per 9 holes is 4
6. 3 holes and 9 holes games must be "Single Winner"
7. Birdie multiply by 2
8. Eagle multiply by 5.
9. Hole in One myltiply by 10.
10. Albatros multiply by 20
11. On-Par additional 1 points
12. No Birdie and Eagle Challenge
Example 3:Handicap Play
Game description:
1. Every difference of 2 stroke will be count 5 points, each point amount is IDR 300,000.
2. The difference in strokes used is the difference in NETT scores based on the handicap. (Only the fields circled in red will be taken into game formula, other fields will be ignored)
3. Lets say Player A with handicap 6 has 85 stroke/18 holes and Player B with handicap 3 has 76 strokes/18 hole, so Player A will win as much as:
6/2*5*300,000=IDR 4,500,000
Example 4:Stroke Play (face to Face) Korean Style
Game description:
1. Every difference of stroke of each hole will be charged 1 point. Each Point represent IDR 200,000
2. Birdie will get additional 1 Point
3. Eagle will get additional 3 Point
4. Lest Say Player A with HCP 12, and Player B with HCP 14: means that Player A must give Voor 1 stroke per 9 holes to Player B (2 stroke per 18 holes).
Here bellow the calculations example:
If Player A got a Par Score on hole 1, and Player B got boogie, than Player A win 1 point over Player B
If Player A got a Birdie Score on hole 1, and Player B got Par, than Player A win 2 points over Player B
If Player A got a Birdie Score on hole 1, and Player B got boogie, than Player A win 3 points over Player B
If Player A got a Par Score on hole 2 and Player A gives voor to Player B on hole 2, and Player B got boogie, than Draw
If Player A got a Birdie Score on hole 2 and Player A gives voor to Player B on hole 2, and Player B got boogie, than Player A win 2 points over Player B, and so on
Example 5:Chapping Single Winner 1 2 3
Game description:
1. Initial deposit of per player is IDR 3,000,000.
2. Each player will take his share by calculating the points of 1 point per hole, 2 points per 3 holes and 3 points per 9 holes where the score on the hole must be PAR or better, and the maximum excess per 3 holes is 1 stroke and the maximum excess per 9 holes is 4 strokes
3. On-Par get 1 point
4. Birdie multiply by 2
5. Eagle multiply by 5.
6. Hole in One myltiply by 10.
7. Albatros multiply by 20
8. Only fields with green background will be used in this formula.
Course Setup
By default Fungolf Apps has provide hole par and hole index informations for almost all popular golf courses in Indonesia. However, if there is a golf course that has not been registered or the golf course data / information registered in the application does not match the actual conditions on the course, users can adjust it through this feature.
Register New Course
Go to "Course Setup" menu
To register new Golf Course, click "New Golf Course" menu. Fill in all field then save
To input or edit Hole information click "Golf Course List", Apps will show you golf course List
Click the Golf Course Name, and will show you the hole information form:
Notification due to incomplete hole information
If the hole par information and hole index are not yet available in the Course data, then when you create a new game, you will receive a notification as shown above. This means you have to complete it first.
Play Fun Golf
As confirmed in TERM above, that the rules cannot be changed while the game is in progress. So make sure all the rules are accommodated before playing
Create New Game
Go to "Play Golf" menu, and click "Create New Game", it will show you game header:
Fill in accordingly, for example in image bellow:
1. Play in Royale Jakarta Golf Course
2. 1st9 hole in West Course, Hole 5th (Start Hole). Determination of the start hole is very important if the rules that you set differ in points for every 3 holes, because it will determine which hole are the last 3 holes, in this example, then the last 3 holes are holes 2, 3, and 4.
3. 2nd9 hole in North Course, Hole 1
4. Image above shows that Players on behalf of Nangkoel do not participate in the games "OnStupid", "Challenge" and "Multiply"
5. "The Start Hole" is very important, it will be used to determine the last 3 holes. In this example, the holes that will be multiplied by 2 on the West Course are Hole 2, Hole 3 and Hole 4.
Input Voor(dutch)
Voor is the bonus stroke from a player with a lower handicap to a player with a higher handicap. Voor is held so that the game in one pairing is balanced (close to equal) so that the game is more interesting and dignified.
Lets say Player A with a handicap of 3 gives a voor of 2 strokes / nine holes to Player B with a handicap of 7, then on 2 holes with the smallest index in 9 holes, Player B gets a bonus for each 1 stroke on that two holes.
For example, on the two holes with the smallest index Player A gets "PAR" and Player B gets a Boogie, then the score will be considered the same, if Player A gets "PAR" and Player B also gets "PAR" then Player B wins against Player A (on that hole).
On each 9hole game form, you can input/adjust voor:
Changes to the voor no matter whether the score has been filled or not, the system will recalculate the points in the whole game
The number of voor for each player is determined based on negotiations between players
After finishing voor input, the hole that has voor will be visible against the red background
Voor will prioritize Non Par 3 Hole. If the number of voor exceeds the number of holes other than par 3, then holes with Par 3 will be included. The maximum number of voor / 9holes is 9
Voor per 3holes game is 1 stroke, even though the number of voor exceeds 4/9 holes, voor per 3holes game is still only 1 stroke
Voor actually works 80% to equalize the point, only 20% probability to win.
Example: Player A gives voor on a played hole to Player B, and Player A gets "PAR", and Player B gets "Boogie", so the game is equal due to the voor
But sometime Player A gets "PAR", and Player B gets "PAR" too, so Player B win the game on that hole
So statistically, it would be very rare for Player B to match Player A's score on a hole with a small index
Another example so that voor is not misunderstood: If you have a "birdie challenge" game then Player A gives a voor to Player B, then Player A and B get a "PAR" score, it doesn't mean Player B gets "Birdie" (subject to the voor given). Because the game is a "birdie challenge" there is no winner in the game. If Player A scores "Birdie" and Player B scores "PAR" there is no winner either.
Voor also has ethics in giving voor. Do not let the voor be non-linear, for example:
Player A gives voor 1 stroke / 9 holes to Player B.
Player B gives voor 1 stroke / 9 holes to Player C.
Player C gives voor 1 stroke / 9 holes to Player A
Things like the above don't make sense, but the application will also solve it.
Supposedly, apply linear voor as below:
Just input the same player to the voor, old voor will be replaced:
Input Game Score & Tricks
The score to be input is the score minus par (over / even / under)
Input score devided in to 2 forms (per 9 holes).
Trick: If the game type is "Face-to-Face" and On-Par is "Single Winner", if there is a winner on on-par then fill in the on par checkbox according to the winner's name. If there is no winner, there is no need to fill in the checkbox even though there is an on-par
Trick: If the game type is "Face-to-Face" and On-Par game is active with "face-to-face" type, the winner will be the best score, lets say On-Birdie will win over On-Par. In this case, checkbox for on par represent actual case
In the image above the Rule is "Face-to-Face" and m.achmad took part on "On-Par" and "On-Stupid" game, you can see m.achmad is on, but the score is worse then par, so m.achmad fined some point for "on-Stupid", and must paid to Player who gets "par", in this case is Mr.Gideon
Score Revision
You can change the score at any time as long as the game form is still active
When you make changes to a score, the application will recalculate the overall points
Also, when you make changes to voor, the application will recalculate the overall points
If you have left the game form (move to another page), then there is no way to change your score
Cancel A Game
As long as the game form is still active you can cancel it by clicking on "Create New Game" and pressing the "Cancel" button.
However, if the game has been saved, and you have moved to another page, the game cannot be canceled.
On-Call Games
Game On-Call is a game that is not determined from the beginning of the game. Games that are often played impromptu include: Chip-in, putt, par 3 from fairway, par 2 from fairway and other bilatral games.
The On-Call game facility in this application is presented as a game recording tool for each player, so there is no need for cash-and-carry on the green.
On-Call Game Input
The recording form is in the middle of the scorecard
Those in the red box are the input forms, while those in the green ones are the input results (stored records)
The results of this On-Call game will be displayed at the bottom of the scorecard
If there is an input error at On-Call Games, please re-enter the same data but change the points to 0
Saving Game
Save Game
To save the game, you can find "Save" button right bellow second 9 game form
Just click "Save" button
You may "Save" the game multiple times
Upload Score For Tournament (available on next version)
View Scorecards
View Scorecards
Go to "Scorecard" menu
Click the green Icon as displayed in image above
Book A Game
Book Regular Golf T-Time (available on next version)
Book for a Tournament (available on next version)
Buy Empty Scorecards
This application is a paid Apps, and when you activate your account, you get a free voucher from the application. If your voucher has run out, then you have to make a payment to get a blank scorecard.
Buy New Scorecards
Go to "Buy Screcards" menu
Make a payment by transfer to the account shown in your application, not the account shown in the image above
Upload your bank transfer slyip
The Fungolf support team will verify and approve your payment
If you encounter problems in the application or problems with payment, you can also contact our support via email fungolf@owl-plantation.com or via Whatsapp with the number listed on the Apps
Payment Status
To see your payment status see at the bottom of the page:
When your payment is approved by our team, your balance will automatically increase
You can click on the Payment List row to see the attachment
How this Apps makes money:
There are no advertisements in this application
When you activate your account, this Apps give you a voucher as a treat for thanks and appreciation for using this Apps, the value of the voucher starts from IDR 250,000 to IDR 500,000
If the gift scorecard from Apps runs out, you can buy new scorecards through the "Buy Scorecard" menu. Blank scorecard price between IDR 25,000 to 35,000 per pcs for personal users
There is no expiration period for every scorecard you buy.
Login with another Phone
Your cellphone may be lost or left behind, or maybe you replace your cellphone with a new one, then you need to re-login from the application on the new cellphone.
Use New Phone To Login
Install fungolf Apps
Go to "You & Your Pairing" menu
Login like you creating your account for the fist time
Use your old data & password to login
If you have successfully logged in, old data susch as pairing data and rules that you created by the old phone will be automatically updated to the new handset
Use Others Phone To Login
You are using someone else's cellphone to log in
Go to "You & Your Pairing" menu, and click "Change" button
Use your old data & password to login
If you have successfully logged in, the pairing data and rules that you created will be automatically updated to the new handset
How To:
View Live Score (available on next version)
See Other's Handicap
Go to "Scorecard" menu
See the most bottom form
Type the name or email of the person you are looking for
If system found it, it will show you the list bellow the form
Click the list, and will show you this:
Play without betting on the game
Because Rule is obligatory tu run "Play" in this Apps, so every game must have a rule, how if you play golf with no bets in the game:
Just create any rule
Activate it
Play Game
Just ignore the point that may displayed on the scorecard
System only maintain your score for handicap update, not the points